5 things you need for the Google search ranking algorithm

5 things you need for the Google search ranking algorithm

Google’s Search Ranking

Google’s search algorithm greatly influences the search ranking of websites. 

This algorithm considers a variety of factors to determine the ranking of a website, some of which are clearly stated in Google’s official documentation. 5 things you need to know

In this article, we will explain the main factors of Google’s algorithm, how these factors influence the ranking of websites, and how they can be utilized.

Google’s Search

Domain Authority:

Google considers domain authority important. This is an indicator of the credibility and authority of a website, and it is important to build a high-quality link network. This can secure a position on the top page of Google search results for your website.

Clickstream Factors:

Google analyzes the click patterns of users to optimize search results. This means that it is important to improve the ‘last click’ rate. ‘Last click’ refers to the moment when a user clicks on a website and does not return to the search results. This indicates that the user has found the information they were looking for, so it is important to increase this rate.

Sandbox Effect

When a newly created website strives to get a high ranking in search results, a sandbox effect can occur. This is a method used by Google to protect the search engine by sandboxing new spam sites. Therefore, if you create a new site on a new domain, it is difficult to expect rapid growth.

Use of Google Chrome Data

Google determines the ranking of websites by analyzing the use data of Chrome. This means that it is important to optimize your website for Google Chrome. This can prevent negative statistics about user behavior and influence favorable behavior factors of the website.

History of Page Content

Google tracks the change history of web pages through the ‘urlHistory’ function. This means that if you want Google to ignore previous content, you need to change the web page 20 times.

Based on this information, bloggers can utilize Google’s search algorithm to improve the ranking of their websites. By building a quality link profile, optimizing content placement, writing relevant headlines, and setting authority as a goal, you can be recognized as a large resource in the eyes of Google.

By doing so, Google will recognize your website as a large-scale site or collection site, not a ‘small personal site’, which can improve search ranking. These methods go beyond traditional SEO and are ways to maximize the use of Google’s search algorithm. Through this, you can improve the ranking of your website and attract more users.

Google Search Ranking System’s Internal Document Leak

Recently, the leak of Google’s internal ranking documents has caused significant ripples in the SEO community. This leak exposed over 14,000 potential ranking factors, providing an unprecedented glimpse into the closely guarded search ranking system at Google. The leaked files originated from a Google API document commit titled “yoshi-code-bot /elixer-google-api,” and it’s important to note that this was not a hack or the work of a whistleblower.

Key Points:
  1. Modified PageRank with Nearest Seed: The algorithm, called pageRank_NS, is associated with document understanding and is now deprecated.
  2. Identifying Business Models: Google has specific methods for identifying different business models, including news, YMYL (Your Money or Your Life), personal blogs (small blogs), e-commerce, and video sites.
  3. Crucial Algorithm Components: navBoost, NSR, and chardScores play significant roles in Google’s algorithm.
  4. Site Authority Metrics and Signals: Google uses site-wide authority metrics, including traffic from Chrome browsers, to assess a site’s overall authority.
  5. User Clicks and Impressions Measurement: Google measures various click types (bad, good, regular, and longest-lasting) and overall site impressions.

For more detailed information, I recommend exploring the leaked documents directly. This information is valuable for anyone interested in SEO and understanding Google’s search ranking system.

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